Fixing data directory errors in Squirrelmail

This is a start of a series of old posts culled from WaybackMachine. Somehow, sometime, managing a couple of websites can be a daunting boring task, so some days were like, nay the backups.

I decided to reinstall SquirrelMail hoping to be able to archive my current emails since those won’t be carried over when I switch mail service to Gmail. For the uninitiated, Squirrelmail is a webmail package written in pure Php, has few requirements and is easy to configure and install.

Here’s a quick guide:

1. Download squirrelmail here.
2. Unpack the SquirrelMail package: (via ftp or tar)
3. Run the installation script from shell. (perl
4. Select ‘General Options‘ by hitting ‘4‘ on your keyboard and edit the ‘Data Directory‘ by selecting ‘1
This part here gets a bit tricky, but the idea is to provide the server path for the directories. If your directories aren’t existing yet then you would have to create them first.
5. Once satisfied with the changes – ‘S‘ to save your changes then ‘Q‘ to quit from the menu.
You may then check if your configuration worked via this link. http://your-squirrelmail-location/src/configtest.php

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask questions.

10. October 2011 by Renerio
Categories: Applications | Leave a comment

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